If requests for exemption from all or part of the schooling, clinical placements and qualifying examinations mentioned in article D. 4322-4 are not acted upon for more than four months, they will be deemed to have been rejected.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health professions | Book III: Medical auxiliaries, nursing auxiliaries, childcare auxiliaries, ambulance drivers and dental assistants | Title II: Professions of masseur-physiotherapist and chiropodist | Chapter II: Chiropodist | Section 2: Persons authorised to practise the profession | Subsection 1: Holders of the state diploma | Article R4322-13 of the French Public Health Code
If requests for exemption from all or part of the schooling, clinical placements and qualifying examinations mentioned in article D. 4322-4 are not acted upon for more than four months, they will be deemed to have been rejected.
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