Where lifting equipment travels on tracks or runways, the ends of these tracks or runways are fitted with devices to reduce shocks at the end of travel.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book III: Work equipment and means of protection | Title II: Use of work equipment and protective equipment | Chapter III: Organisational measures and conditions of use of work equipment and personal protective equipment | Section 5: Special provisions applicable to work equipment used for lifting loads | Article R4323-40 of the French Labour Code
Where lifting equipment travels on tracks or runways, the ends of these tracks or runways are fitted with devices to reduce shocks at the end of travel.
Lorsque les appareils de levage circulent sur des voies ou chemins de roulement, les extrémités de ces voies ou chemins de roulement sont munies de dispositifs atténuant les chocs en fin de course.
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