It is forbidden to swing loads in order to deposit them at a point which cannot normally be reached by the lifting equipment.
It is also forbidden to lift or pull loads at an angle, except with the aid of equipment designed for this purpose.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book III: Work equipment and means of protection | Title II: Use of work equipment and protective equipment | Chapter III: Organisational measures and conditions of use of work equipment and personal protective equipment | Section 5: Special provisions applicable to work equipment used for lifting loads | Article R4323-45 of the French Labour Code
It is forbidden to swing loads in order to deposit them at a point which cannot normally be reached by the lifting equipment.
It is also forbidden to lift or pull loads at an angle, except with the aid of equipment designed for this purpose.
Il est interdit de balancer les charges pour les déposer en un point qui ne peut être atteint normalement par l’appareil de levage.
Il est également interdit de soulever ou de tirer les charges en oblique, sauf à l’aide d’appareils conçus à cette fin.
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