The medical electroradiology manipulator is authorised to carry out, under the responsibility of the doctor mentioned in article R. 4351-1, in application either of an individual medical prescription or of a written qualitative and quantitative protocol drawn up, dated and signed by this doctor beforehand, the following acts and activities, provided that a doctor and, where applicable, a medical physicist, in the field which concerns him/her, are able to intervene at all times:
1° In the fields of medical imaging and nuclear medicine:
a) Carrying out investigations requiring the administration of medicines, including radiopharmaceuticals;
b) Collecting ultrasound signals and images, subject to obtaining a qualification or diploma, the list of which is set by order of the Minister for Health;
c) On medical prescription, administering medicines required by the condition of the patient receiving the examination or treatment;
2° In the field of radiotherapy:
a) Contribution to procedures relating to the preparation of treatments;
b) Implementation of treatment sessions, which may include patient positioning or repositioning imaging, which do not come under the acts and activities mentioned in c of 3° of article R. 4351-2-3;
c) Carrying out dosimetric monitoring;
3° In the field of functional explorations:
Carrying out explorations requiring the installation of invasive detection systems.