I.-In the event that one of the reference levels mentioned in Article R. 4451-11 has been exceeded, the employer shall inform the worker concerned without delay.
II -Where a worker’s exposure exceeds the reference level mentioned in I of article R. 4451-11, the continuation of the actions mentioned in article R. 4451-96 entrusted to him is subject to :
1° The employer’s justification of the need to maintain the worker in his post;
2° The absence of any medical contraindication;
3° The agreement of the worker concerned, who has received appropriate information on the associated health risks.
The employer informs the Social and Economic Committee of the worker’s overtime and continued employment.
The employer shall also inform the Labour Inspectorate monitoring officer mentioned in Article L. 8112-1 and, as appropriate, the Nuclear Safety Authority or the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Officer for defence-related installations and activities.