The order referred to in article L. 450-4 includes the channels and time limits for appeal available to the occupier of the premises or his representative.
The reports provided for in article L. 450-4 describe the visit and record the observations made. They are drawn up immediately. They include an inventory of the items and documents seized.
These reports are signed by the agents mentioned in article L. 450-1, by the judicial police officer responsible for attending the operations as well as, as the case may be, by the occupier of the premises or his representative or the two witnesses required in accordance with the seventh paragraph of article L. 450-4.
A copy of the report is given to the occupier of the premises or his representative. In the absence of the occupier of the premises or his representative, a copy of the report is sent after the visit to the head of the company or organisation concerned by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The documents seized may not be invoked against the interested parties until they have been given the opportunity to examine them.