Spoil or material may only be deposited along a trench more than 1.30 metres deep if it is possible to create a berm at least 40 centimetres wide.
This berm must be kept clear of any deposits at all times.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book V: Prevention of risks associated with certain activities or operations | Title III: Building and civil engineering | Chapter IV: Technical protection requirements during the works | Section 4: Open-cast earthworks. | Article R4534-32 of the French Labour Code
Spoil or material may only be deposited along a trench more than 1.30 metres deep if it is possible to create a berm at least 40 centimetres wide.
This berm must be kept clear of any deposits at all times.
Des déblais ou du matériel ne peuvent être déposés le long d’une tranchée de plus de 1,30 mètre de profondeur que s’il est possible de ménager une berme d’une largeur de 40 centimètres au moins.
Cette berme reste constamment dégagée de tout dépôt.
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