Where the rapporteur considers that one or more documents in their confidential version are necessary for the exercise of the rights of defence of one or more parties or that they must be made aware of them for the purposes of the debate before the Authority, he shall inform, either by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, or via a secure electronic document exchange platform, the person who made the request for protection of the business secrecy contained in those documents and set a time limit for that person to submit his observations before the general rapporteur makes his ruling. The parties concerned will be notified of the General Reporter’s decision.
When a defendant has not had access to the confidential version of a document that it considers necessary to exercise its rights, it may ask the General Reporter to disclose or consult the document by submitting a reasoned request as soon as it becomes aware of the non-confidential version and the summary of the document. In this case, the procedure will be the same as that described in the previous paragraph.
The general rapporteur will, where appropriate, set a time limit within which the newly disclosed information, documents or parts of documents may be discussed.
The general rapporteur will, where appropriate, set a time limit within which the newly disclosed information, documents or parts of documents may be discussed.