The application for relief from the disqualification provided for in Article L. 512-3 must be made within two months of the cessation of the impediment, and the act not performed must be performed within the same period. It is no longer admissible after a prefixed period of six months counted from the expiry of the unobserved period.
The application shall be submitted to the Director General of the Institute by the proprietor of the filing, who must be the proprietor entered in the National Designs Register if the filing is published, or his representative.
The application is admissible only after payment of the prescribed fee.
The application shall be in writing. It shall state the facts and justifications relied on in support of it.
In the event that the application does not comply with the requirements, the applicant will be notified and given reasons. The applicant is given a period in which to rectify the application or contest the Institute’s objections. If the application is not put in order or if no observations are made to remove the objections, it is rejected. The notification may be accompanied by a proposal for rectification. This proposal is deemed accepted if the applicant does not contest it within the time limit set.
The reasoned decision is notified to the applicant.