For finished products, defined as medicinal products that have undergone all stages of manufacture, including packaging, an import authorisation is required for each import operation.
For medicinal products other than finished products, and for medicinal products necessary for carrying out research involving the human person declared under the law of 20 December 1988, the import authorisation is required for a series of import operations envisaged for each medicinal product over a maximum period of one year and for a given overall quantity. In this case, the authorisation specifies the number of operations planned, the duration of the period during which the operations may be carried out and the total quantity of the medicinal product in question that may be imported.
The two preceding paragraphs do not apply to finished products and medicinal products from a Member State of the European Union, stored in premises with the status of a pharmaceutical establishment and intended exclusively for export to countries outside the European Union.
The import authorisation may be suspended or withdrawn by the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé. Except in emergencies, these decisions may only be taken after the authorisation holder has been given the opportunity to present its observations.