Pharmaceutical establishments, including those managed by public health establishments mentioned in articles R. 5124-68 to R. 5124-73 for their production, hospital preparation and magistral preparation activities, are subject to the provisions of articles R. 5121-162, R. 5121-163 with the exception of 4°, R. 5121-164 with the exception of 3° and 5° and R. 5121-165.
They report electronically to the European “Eudravigilance” database:
1° Any serious adverse reaction suspected to be due to the hospital and magistral preparations that they produce, of which they are aware, without delay and no later than fifteen days following receipt of the information ;
2° Any non-serious adverse reaction suspected to be due to the hospital and magistral preparations that they produce, of which they are aware, within ninety days of receiving the information.
They shall send the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé, annually and immediately on request, a report summarising the information relating to the adverse reactions they have reported or which have been reported to them, and all the information useful for assessing the risks and benefits associated with the use of these preparations.