Without prejudice to the obligations laid down in Articles R. 5121-138 to R. 5121-142, the packaging of a blood-derived medicinal product includes three detachable labels, separate from the information medium mentioned in Article L. 161-36 of the Social Security Code and indicating the name, strength and pharmaceutical form of the medicinal product, the name of the company or organisation operating it and the batch number. These labels also bear a bar code showing all or some of this information, in accordance with the procedures laid down, on a proposal from the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé, by order of the Minister for Health.
One of the detachable labels is affixed to the outer packaging and the other two to the immediate packaging. However, the marketing authorisation or the early access authorisation under article L. 5121-12 or the compassionate access authorisation under II of article L. 5121-12-1 may provide for a different breakdown, depending on the nature and purpose of the product.
The labelling of blood-derived medicinal products includes, in addition to the information provided for in article R. 5121-138, the words “medicinal product derived from human blood”.