The following changes to the authorisation to open a pharmaceutical establishment must be declared, pursuant to the second paragraph of Article L. 5124-3:
1° Change in the corporate name of the company holding an authorisation to open ;
2° Change in the legal form of the company holding an authorisation to open;
3° Transfer of the registered office or change in the wording of the address of the registered office of the company holding an authorisation to commence business;
4° Appointment of a new responsible pharmacist;
5° Change in the name of the address of a pharmaceutical establishment;
6° Cessation of a pharmaceutical activity or operation in the pharmaceutical establishment.
Changes are declared to the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé within one month of their implementation. The Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé will make known his reasoned opposition to this modification, or will update the authorisation, within three months of the declaration referred to in the first paragraph.