The provisions of article R. 5124-42 do not prevent companies or organisations authorised under 1°, 2°, 3°, 4°, 5°, 6° (with the exception of intermediate products), 12° and 14° of article R. 5124-2 sell directly to practitioners authorised to use them and for exclusive use by these practitioners for their professional use, on written order from the practitioner made under the conditions provided for in Article R. 5132-4 :
1° Dressing and surgical suture articles ;
2° Medicinal products mentioned in article L. 5121-8 used in medical diagnosis, anaesthesia, allergology, analgesia, dentistry and oxygen therapy;
3° The medicinal products mentioned in article R. 5121-96 ;
4° Medicinal products which may only be dispensed to health professionals by virtue of article R. 5121-80.