The pharmaceutical establishment of a company or organisation mentioned in article R. 5124-2 engaged in the wholesale, free transfer or wholesale distribution of medicinal products mentioned in 1° of article L. 4211-1, generators, kits or precursors mentioned in 3° of the same article must have an emergency plan which guarantees the effective implementation of any withdrawal of batches of these medicinal products or products organised by the operator.
This obligation is imposed under the same conditions on establishments engaged in the wholesale, free transfer or wholesale distribution of investigational medicinal products, dressing articles and articles presented as complying with the pharmacopoeia mentioned in 2° of article L. 4211-1 or divided officinal products mentioned in 4° of article L. 5121-1, the withdrawal of which is organised by the manufacturer or importer.
The establishments mentioned in the previous paragraphs keep a copy of batch withdrawal decisions for two years.