I.- The premises of a pharmaceutical establishment are located on the same site, the continuity of which is not interrupted by the presence of other premises occupied by third parties.
Pharmaceutical establishments authorised under 1° and 4° of article R. 5124-2 may include, without separate authorisation, a storage room located close to the establishment. This room, placed under the responsibility of the pharmacist in charge or the delegated pharmacist of the establishment to which it is attached, is reserved solely for storage and dispatch operations. No other operation, in particular preparation or ordering, may be carried out there.
II. – When a company or organisation has several pharmaceutical establishments, each of them is subject to a separate authorisation.
For establishments where medicinal products are manufactured or imported, the authorisation specifies the pharmaceutical forms concerned or, failing this, the nature of the products.
However, pharmaceutical establishments engaged in the manufacture or import of gases for medical use may include, without the need for a separate authorisation:
1° Storage tanks and associated control equipment located within the premises of the company supplying the raw material;
2° Storage tanks located on premises belonging to establishments or organisations with a pharmacy for internal use or legal entities mentioned in Article L. 4211-5 ;
3° Storage premises for packaged gas used as a relay between the manufacturing site and the distribution recipients, provided that the security of these premises is guaranteed.
The premises and tanks mentioned in 1°, 2° and 3° are under the responsibility of the pharmacist in charge of the pharmaceutical establishment.
The authorisation to open specifies the category provided for in article R. 5124-2 under which it is granted. A single authorisation may be granted to the same establishment for several categories.