2° of I of article 6 of law no. 90-1258 of 31 December 1990 relating to the practice in the form of companies of liberal professions subject to a legislative or regulatory status or whose title is protected and to companies for the financial participation of liberal professions is not applicable to sociétés d’exercice libéral de pharmaciens d’officine.
More than half of the share capital and voting rights of a société d’exercice libéral de pharmaciens d’officine is held under the conditions of A du I de l’article 5 de la même loi, by pharmacists who are holders of the pharmacy operated by this société.
However, a société de participations financières de profession libérale de pharmaciens d’officine may hold the majority of the capital and voting rights of a société d’exercice libéral de pharmaciens d’officine when the majority of its capital and voting rights is held by one or more pharmacists who are holders of the pharmacy operated by the société d’exercice libéral.