The application to open, acquire or transfer a pharmacy by a mutual society or union of mutual societies is submitted in the form prescribed by order of the ministers responsible for health and social security, which also sets out the documents to be produced in support of the application.
The Minister decides on the application after obtaining the opinion of the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, the Regional Council of the Order of Pharmacists, the Higher Council for Pharmacy and the Higher Council for Mutual Societies or its specialised commission.
The authorities and bodies mentioned in the previous paragraph will issue their opinion within two months of the date on which the matter is referred to them, failing which it will be disregarded.
The management of the pharmacies referred to in article L. 5125-19 is entrusted to a pharmacist who has no other professional activity.
In the event of a merger of mutual benefit societies or associations of mutual benefit societies which own one or more pharmacies, the mutual benefit society or association of mutual benefit societies resulting from the merger shall declare this within fifteen days to the directors general of the regional health agencies in which the pharmacies are located.