The overall activity of the pharmacy, as referred to in Article L. 5125-15 and taken into account to determine the required number of assistant pharmacists, is assessed by aggregating:
1° The total pre-tax turnover from the sale of medicinal products, products and other goods, whatever their nature, with the exception of that corresponding to the portion of the price of reimbursable medicinal products on which the dispensing pharmacist’s margin set by regulation is zero;
2° The remuneration and fees mentioned in 6° of article L. 162-16-1 of the Social Security Code, excluding the fixed duty allowance, and to 7°, 7° bis, 13°, 14°, 15° and 16° of the same article;
3° Remuneration and fees, other than those mentioned in the aforementioned article L. 162-16-1, received in the context of the missions provided for in article L. 5125-1-1 A of the present code.
For the application of 1°, turnover from the sale of medicinal products in the local authorities mentioned inarticle L. 751-1 of the Social Security Code, as well as in Mayotte and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, is taken into account including the increases mentioned in article L. 753-4 of the same code,Article 20-5 of Ordinance No. 96-1122 of 20 December 1996 relating to the improvement of public health, sickness, maternity, invalidity and death insurance, the financing of social security in Mayotte and the Mayotte social security fund andArticle 9-10 of Ordinance No. 77-1102 of 26 September 1977 extending and adapting various provisions relating to social affairs to the Department of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon.