The pharmacist holding a pharmacy or managing it after his death, or the pharmacist managing a mutual pharmacy or a société de secours minière, is required each year, no later than a date set by order of the Minister responsible for health, to declare to the general director of the regional health agency the number and names of the pharmacists working in the pharmacy and the measure of its overall activity, within the meaning of article R. 5125-37-1, over the previous calendar year. The declaration of activity isolates, on the one hand, the amounts covered by 1° of this same article, broken down by the rate of value added tax applicable to the corresponding products and, on the other hand, the amounts covered by 2° and 3° of this same article.
The declaration is made electronically. The pharmacist connects to the telereporting service set up by the regional health agency by any means that enables the declarant and the pharmacy concerned to be identified.
The pharmacist in charge of managing an in-house pharmacy is required to declare the number and names of the pharmacists working in the pharmacy to the Director General of the Regional Health Agency each year.