The provisions of I of article R. 5126-30, of article R. 5126-31 and, subject to article R. 5126-71, of article R. 5126-33 are applicable to the in-house pharmacies of the fire and rescue services.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part five: Health products | Book I: Pharmaceutical products | Title II: Medicinal products for human use | Chapter VI | Section 4: Provisions relating to in-house pharmacies of the fire and rescue services, the Paris fire brigade and the Marseille marine fire brigade | Subsection 2: Pharmacies for internal use in fire and rescue services | Paragraph 1: Authorisation for creation or transfer | Article R5126-76 of the French Public Health Code
The provisions of I of article R. 5126-30, of article R. 5126-31 and, subject to article R. 5126-71, of article R. 5126-33 are applicable to the in-house pharmacies of the fire and rescue services.
Les dispositions du I de l’article R. 5126-30, de l’article R. 5126-31 et, sous réserve de l’article R. 5126-71, de l’article R. 5126-33 sont applicables aux pharmacies à usage intérieur des services d’incendie et de secours.
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