The person responsible for placing a tattoo product on the market, established in France, shall make the file provided for in the third paragraph of article L. 513-10-5 available to the supervisory authorities at the address given in 6° of article R. 513-10-5. This file includes :
1° The qualitative and quantitative formula of the product ;
2° The physico-chemical and microbiological specifications of the raw materials and the tattoo product;
3° A description of the conditions under which the product is manufactured and controlled;
4° The shelf life of the product and the method used to determine it;
5° An assessment of the safety of the product for human health;
6° The name and address of the qualified person responsible for the human health safety assessment and his/her level of professional qualification;
7° Existing data on adverse reactions to human health resulting from use of the product;
8° Justification for the transmission to poison control centres of the information provided for in article L. 513-10-6.
Each of the items mentioned in this article shall bear an indication of the date on which it was drawn up. Any change to this information is the subject of a dated correction which is kept in the file.
The format and content of the information making up the file provided for in this article are specified by decision of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé.