Transcripts or records shall include a different serial number for each medicinal product supplied under this section and shall mention :
1° The name and address of the prescriber or the person placing the order and, as appropriate :
a) The name and address of the patient, subject to the provisions of Article L. 3414-1 ;
b) The name and address of the keeper of the animal(s);
c) The words: “Professional use”;
2° The date of issue;
3° The name or formula of the medicinal product or preparation;
4° The quantities dispensed;
5° For a medicinal product classified in the category of medicinal products subject to hospital prescription or in that of medicinal products subject to initial hospital prescription, the name of the health establishment or service and the name of the prescriber who made the prescription or initial prescription;
6° For a medicinal product classified in the category of medicinal products subject to prescription only by certain specialists, the prescriber’s specialty as defined in article R. 5121-91.
The registers or computerised records are kept for a period of ten years and are made available to the supervisory authorities for the prescribed period. It must be possible to print out these records on paper and they must be classified by patient, by medicinal product and in chronological order. They are made available to the supervisory authorities on request.