The Guidance and Supervisory Board may only validly deliberate if at least two thirds of the members in office are present or represented. When this quorum is reached, resolutions are adopted by an absolute majority of the members present or represented.
If this quorum is not reached, a new notice of meeting is sent to the members of the Board within fifteen days. Resolutions are then passed by a relative majority of the members present or represented.
In the event of a tie, the Chairman of the meeting has the casting vote. Voting is secret if requested by a quarter of the members.
The members of the Guidance and Supervisory Board are bound to secrecy in their discussions.
Minutes of the deliberations are recorded in a register that has been listed and initialled. They are signed by the Chairman of the meeting.
These deliberations as well as the acts, agreements and decisions of the establishment are subject to the provisions of articles L. 2131-1 to L. 2131-6 of the General Local Authorities Code.