For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply
1° Substance means any material whatever its origin, which may be :
– human, such as human blood and products derived from human blood;
– animal, such as micro-organisms, whole animals, parts of organs, animal secretions, toxins, substances obtained by extraction, products derived from blood;
– vegetable, such as micro-organisms, plants, parts of plants, vegetable secretions, substances obtained by extraction;
– chemical, such as elements, natural chemical materials and chemical products of transformation and synthesis;
2° Bioavailability, the rate and intensity of absorption into the body, from a pharmaceutical form, of the active principle or its therapeutic fraction intended to become available at the sites of action;
3° Bioequivalence, the equivalence of bioavailabilities;
4° Primary packaging, the container or other form of packaging with which the medicinal product comes into direct contact;
5° Outer packaging, the packaging in which the primary packaging is placed;
6° Common name, the international non-proprietary name recommended by the World Health Organisation or, failing this, the usual non-proprietary name;
7° Dosage of the veterinary medicinal product, the active substance content, expressed as a quantity per unit of dosage or per unit of volume or weight depending on the presentation;
8° Labelling, the information given on the outer packaging or the immediate packaging;
9° Package leaflet, the information document accompanying the veterinary medicinal product and intended for the user;
10° Risks associated with the use of the veterinary medicinal product : any risk to animal or human health relating to the quality, safety or efficacy of the veterinary medicinal product, and any risk of undesirable effects on the environment;
11° Benefit/risk ratio in relation to the use of the veterinary medicinal product, the evaluation of the positive therapeutic effects of the veterinary medicinal product in relation to the risks defined in 10°.