When the parallel import application concerns a proprietary veterinary medicinal product which has already been the subject of a parallel import authorisation, and the proprietary veterinary medicinal product which is the subject of the application comes from the same Member State as that which has already obtained the authorisation, the applicant is exempt from providing the Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail with the information provided for in 2° of Article R. 5141-123-9 and 1° of Article R. 5141-123-10. He is also exempt from providing the information mentioned in 3° of article R. 5141-123-9 and 2° of article R. 5141-123-10 if he makes no changes to the presentation of the veterinary medicinal product or, if applicable, to the repackaging and storage conditions.