I.-The qualified person shall send the application for authorisation provided for in Article L. 5141-12 to the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail. The application must include
1° The name of the applicant ;
2° The address of the place of preparation ;
3° The name of the company or organisation providing the facilities, where applicable;
4° The list of pathogens by species of destination and the pharmaceutical forms envisaged.
II – The application must be accompanied by a dossier containing :
1° Documents proving the applicant’s qualifications and registration with one of the professional orders mentioned in article R. 5141-129 ;
2° Evidence justifying the applicant’s right to use the facilities allocated to autovaccine preparation operations, a description of the premises and equipment and a list of the staff assigned to these activities;
3° A technical dossier describing :
a) The techniques used to isolate, purify, multiply, inactivate and control pathogenic agents and the means used to identify, preserve and monitor them;
b) Adjuvants used;
c) The procedure followed for analysing the prescription;
d) The techniques and procedures used for the preparation, control, storage, monitoring and, where appropriate, transport of autovaccines for veterinary use.