In the companies referred to in article L. 5142-1, other than those which manufacture, import or distribute medicated feedingstuffs excluding any other veterinary medicinal product and which opt for the derogation provided for in the last paragraph of this article, the pharmacist or veterinary surgeon in charge is :
1° In public limited companies other than those referred to in articles L. 225-57 to L. 225-93 of the Commercial Code, the Chairman of the Board of Directors who is the Chief Executive Officer or the Chief Executive Officer or a Deputy Chief Executive Officer;
2° In sociétés anonymes (public limited companies) referred to in articles of the same code, either the Chairman of the Management Board, or another member of the Management Board with the status of Managing Director, or the sole Managing Director;
3° In sociétés en commandite par actions, sociétés à responsabilité limitée, entreprises unipersonnelles à responsabilité limitée, sociétés en nom collectif and sociétés en commandite simple, a manager;
4° In simplified joint stock companies, the natural person who is the chairman of the company or the manager to whom the Articles of Association have entrusted, in application of article L. 227-5 of the Commercial Code, the powers referred to in article R. 5142-35 ;
5° In agricultural cooperative societies, a managing director or a member of the management board.