I. – In the case provided for in article R. 5141-86, where the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail considers that the planned advertisement is contrary to the provisions of articles R. 5141-82 to R. 5141-88, he may make his authorisation subject to a change in the content of the advertisement, the running of the planned advertising campaign or a restriction on the recipients.
II.When examining the advertisements mentioned in articles R. 5141-83 and R. 5141-84 which are submitted to him in application of article R. 5141-85-3, or when he finds that an advertising campaign or the broadcasting of an advertisement is taking place under conditions that contravene the provisions of articles R. 5141-82 to R. 5141-88 and R. 5142-66, the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail may give formal notice to the holder of the marketing authorisation or registration of the homeopathic veterinary medicinal product, to modify the content of the advertising, to modify the course of the advertising campaign or to limit the recipients of the advertising, within a specified period which may not be less than one month. The interested party is informed of the possibility of presenting his observations within this time limit and of being heard by the agency.