I.-Local materiovigilance correspondents are responsible for:
1° Forwarding without delay, with the exception of the reports mentioned in b, to the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé:
a) Any report of an incident or risk of incident made to them in application of Article R. 5212-14;
b) On a quarterly basis, any report of an incident or malfunction made to them in application of article R. 5212-15;
c) Any report of an incident involving medical devices intended for the administration of medicinal products or incorporating a substance considered to be a medicinal product within the meaning of article L. 5111-1;
d) Any report of an incident or risk of incident caused by medical devices used in the collection, manufacture and administration of blood-derived products;
2° Informing the manufacturers concerned of the incidents or risks of incidents mentioned in a and b of 1° of this I;
3° taking part, under the conditions defined in article R. 5311-2, in investigations and work relating to the safe use of medical devices requested by the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé.
II. -Within the establishments or associations mentioned in article R. 5212-12, the local correspondents mentioned in I are responsible for :
1° Recording, analysing and validating any reported incident or risk of incident likely to be due to a medical device;
2° Recommending, where appropriate, protective measures to be taken following an incident report;
3° Giving advice and guidance to reporters to help them report incidents;
4° Raising awareness among all users of material safety issues and assisting in the evaluation of data concerning the safe use of medical devices;
5° Reporting to the regional pharmacovigilance centre any incident or risk of incident caused by medical devices intended for the administration of medicinal products or incorporating a substance considered to be a medicinal product within the meaning of article L. 5111-1 ;
6° To report to the local haemovigilance correspondent any incident or risk of incident caused by medical devices used in the collection, manufacture and administration of blood-derived products.