The request for recognition of the seriousness of the disability is submitted by the employer using a form, the model for which is set by joint order of the ministers responsible for employment and the disabled.
This form, duly completed and signed, must be accompanied by the following documents:
1° One of the proofs of entitlement to compulsory employment listed inarticle L. 5212-13 of the Labour Code;
2° A certificate of fitness or a certificate of monitoring issued by the occupational health service’s health professionals;
3° The beneficiary’s employment contract and, where applicable, the amendment(s) to this contract;
4° The beneficiary’s most recent payslip;
5° Proof of the costs borne by the employer in connection with the optimal adaptation of the beneficiary’s workstation and working environment;
6° Proof of the costs borne by the employer in respect of permanent expenses incurred as a result of the disability.