The employment of the people mentioned in article L. 5213-13-1 or the fulfilment of the mission provided for inarticle L. 412-3 of the Penitentiary Code with prisoners recognised as disabled workers who have signed a prison employment contract by the adapted companies entitles them to financial aid within the limit of the financial envelope set by the rider to the contract signed with the regional prefect.
The amount of financial aid to help compensate for the consequences of the disability and the actions undertaken in connection with the employment of workers recognised as disabled may vary to take account of the impact of the ageing of these workers or the location of the adapted company in the prison environment. The aid is paid monthly to the company for each position occupied in proportion to the actual working time or equivalent. Where applicable, the amount of aid is reduced in proportion to the actual or equivalent working time spent on the posts.
A joint order of the Minister for Employment and the Minister for the Budget sets the amount of aid provided for in this article. Each year, this aid is revalued according to the evolution of the minimum growth wage. This order may set a specific amount of financial aid for Mayotte based on changes in the minimum growth wage in force in Mayotte.