The list of operations transferred ipso jure to the urban community, in accordance with the provisions of article R. 5215-5, is drawn up by the prefect; it is notified by him to the president of the community council and to the mayors of the municipalities concerned.
The devolution of the means of financing relating to the said operations is the subject, within ninety days of the notification provided for in the previous paragraph, of an agreement between the municipality and the community.
This agreement shall take into account the expenditure already incurred by the commune and, where applicable, by its concessionaires, who shall provide a financial statement approved by the grantor.
The agreement shall be submitted to the prefect for approval.
If no agreement has been reached by the end of the period mentioned in the second paragraph of this article, the prefect, in the light of the financial statement for the operation on the date of the transfer of powers, shall draw up the regulations and notify them to the president of the community council and the mayor of the commune concerned.