I.-A foreign national who has been granted a work permit as provided for in article R. 5221-1 may, in accordance with the terms of the permit, carry out paid employment in France if he/she holds one of the following documents and residence permits:
1° The temporary residence permit bearing the wording “temporary worker”, issued in application of the article L. 421-3 du code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d’asile ou le visa de long séjour valant titre de séjour portant la même mention, mentionné au 8° de l’article R. 431-16 of the same code;
2° La carte de séjour temporaire ou pluriannuelle portant la mention ” salarié “, délivrée en application de l’article L. 421-1 or article L. 313-17 of the same code or the long-stay visa valid as a residence permit bearing the same mention, mentioned in 7° of article R. 431-16 of the same code;
3° The “employee” or “temporary worker” temporary residence permit issued under 1° of article L. 426-11 du même code;
4° Le récépissé de renouvellement de titre de séjour portant la mention ” autorise son titulaire à travailler ” ;
5° La carte de séjour pluriannuelle portant la mention ” travailleur saisonnier “, délivrée en application de l’article L. 421-34 of the same code.
II.-A foreign national holding one of the following residence documents must obtain a work permit to carry out paid employment in France in accordance with the terms of the work permit granted:
1° The temporary or multi-annual residence permit marked “student” or “student-mobility programme”, issued pursuant to articles L. 422-1, L. 422-2, L. 422-5, L. 422-6 and L. 433-4 du même code ainsi que le visa de long séjour valant titre de séjour portant la mention ” étudiant ” ou ” étudiant-programme de mobilité ” mentionné au 13° de l’article R. 431-16 of the same code, for paid employment of more than 60% of the annual working time (964 hours) in connection with their course of study;
2° The certificate issued to the asylum seeker, when the conditions for access to the labour market laid down in articles L. 554-1 to L. 554-4 of the same code are met.