For the purposes of this Title, the following definitions shall apply
1° Accessory means any article which is intended by its manufacturer to be used principally with an in vitro diagnostic medical device in order to enable the latter to be used in accordance with its intended purpose, with the exception of invasive medical devices intended for taking samples and medical devices placed in direct contact with the human body for the purpose of obtaining a sample;
2° Specimen receptacle, any in vitro diagnostic medical device, whether vacuum-formed or not, primarily intended by its manufacturer to receive directly the specimen from the human body and to preserve it with a view to an in vitro diagnostic examination;
3° Device intended for self-diagnosis, any in vitro diagnostic medical device intended by the manufacturer to be used by the public in a domestic environment;
4° Device undergoing a performance evaluation: any in vitro diagnostic medical device subjected by the manufacturer to one or more performance evaluation studies in medical laboratories or in other appropriate environments outside its own facilities;
5° New device means any in vitro diagnostic medical device:
a) Where, for the substance to be analysed or another parameter, such a device has not been permanently available on the Community market for the previous three years;
b) Which uses an analytical technology which, on the Community market, has not been in permanent use for the previous three years in connection with a given substance to be analysed or another given parameter;
6° Placing on the market: the first making available, whether in return for payment or free of charge, of an in vitro diagnostic medical device other than a device undergoing a performance evaluation, with a view to its distribution or use in a Member State of the European Union or a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, whether the device is new or refurbished;
7° Putting into service means making available to the user an in vitro diagnostic medical device ready to be used for the first time on the Community market in accordance with its intended purpose;
8° Import: the importation of an in vitro diagnostic medical device from a State that is not a member of the European Union or a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, with a view to placing it on the market;
9° Importer: any natural or legal person established in a Member State of the European Union or party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area who imports and stores in vitro diagnostic medical devices;
10° Exporter, any natural or legal person engaged in the export of in vitro diagnostic medical devices to States that are not members of the European Union or parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.