The certificate is accompanied by a file containing the following information:
1° The results of the quality controls mentioned in articles L. 6221-9 and L. 6221-10, carried out during the previous five years, where they related to the in vitro diagnostic medical device that is the subject of the transfer;
2° A report on the measures taken to correct anomalies observed following the external quality controls mentioned in 1°;
3° The results of internal quality controls carried out during the previous five years;
4° Documents relating to the maintenance of the in vitro diagnostic medical device since it was put into service;
5° A description of all modifications made to the device since its acquisition by the person responsible for the transfer, other than maintenance operations, and, except in cases where the modifications were carried out by an employee of this person, the invoices issued for these modifications;
6° Where applicable, when the second-hand in vitro diagnostic medical device is transferred again, the technical certificate received by the person responsible for the transfer when the second-hand in vitro diagnostic medical device was acquired.