The regional joint body provided for in article L. 5312-10 comprises five members representing employers and five members representing employees appointed by the representative national and cross-industry trade union and employers’ organisations mentioned in article L. 5422-22.
The members of the regional joint body are appointed for three years. This mandate is renewable. For each member, a substitute is appointed under the same conditions, to replace the member if he/she is unable to attend. Alternates may attend meetings of the body.
Every year, during the first meeting of the financial year, the joint body appoints a chairman and a vice-chairman from among its members, who may not belong to the same college.
Members who have died, resigned or lost the capacity in which they were appointed shall be replaced within three months. In this case, the term of office of the new members expires on the date on which that of their predecessor would normally have ended.
The mandate of the joint body is free of charge, subject to the reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses and, where applicable, loss of salary, under the conditions laid down by Pôle emploi’s internal regulations.