The compulsory prior mediation procedure provided for byArticle L. 213-11 of the Code of Administrative Justice is applicable to appeals brought against the following individual decisions taken by Pôle emploi and falling within the jurisdiction of the administrative judge:
1° Decisions taken pursuant to the deliberations of the Board of Directors of Pôle emploi referred to in 2° of Article R. 5312-6 ;
2° Decisions relating to cessation of registration on the jobseekers’ list or to a change of category as referred to in Article R. 5411-18 ;
3° Decisions to remove a person from the jobseekers’ list, as provided for in Articles L. 5412-1 and L. 5412-2 ;
4° Decisions to withdraw replacement income, as provided for in Article L. 5426-2 ;
5° Decisions relating to the administrative penalty referred to in Article L. 5426-5 ;
6° Decisions relating to the reimbursement of allowances, assistance and any other benefits unduly paid, as referred to in Article L. 5426-8-1 ;
7° Decisions taken on behalf of the State relating to:
a) Allocations for young people embarking on a contractual pathway to employment and independence, as provided for in articles L. 5131-5 and L. 5131-6 ;
b) The specific solidarity allowance provided for in Articles L. 5423-1 to L. 5423-3 ;
c) The solidarity allowances referred to in Article L. 5424-21 paid to entertainment intermittents;
d) Aid for creating or taking over a business as provided for in II of article 136 of law no. 96-1181 of 30 December 1996 on the finances for 1997.