The Board of Directors sets the guidelines for the agency’s policy through its deliberations. It adopts its own rules of procedure.
It deliberates on the following matters
1° The general organisation of the agency and its consultative committees;
2° Multiannual strategic guidelines;
3° The performance contract signed with the State;
4° The annual work programme;
5° The activity report;
6° The agency’s internal regulations;
7° The budget and its amending decisions, the financial account and the allocation of results;
8° Contracts or agreements for amounts in excess of a threshold it determines;
9° Subsidies in excess of a threshold it determines;
10° Investment programmes;
11° Acquisitions, disposals, exchanges of real estate, leases and rentals concerning them and involving commitments for a term in excess of that which it determines;
12° Authorisation to take legal action and, in the case of transactions above a threshold that it determines, to negotiate and conclude such transactions;
13° donations and legacies;
14° the general conditions of employment and recruitment of staff and the conditions of remuneration of other persons who provide assistance to the agency;
15° The Agency’s participation in public interest groups or economic interest groups under the conditions set out in 4° of article R. 5311-1 of the Public Health Code.
An annual review of all contracts, agreements and public procurement contracts entered into by the Agency is presented to it by the Director General.