For the purposes of III of Article L. 561-36-3, the decision of the sanctioning authority is published :
1° On the website of the Conseil national des barreaux for lawyers;
2° On the website of the Conseil supérieur du notariat for notaries;
3° On the website of the Chambre nationale des huissiers de justice for bailiffs;
4° On the website of the Chambre nationale des commissaires-priseurs judiciaires for auctioneers;
5° On the website of the Conseil de l’ordre des avocats au Conseil d’Etat et à la Cour de cassation for avocats au Conseil d’Etat et à la Cour de cassation;
6° On the website of the Ministry of Justice for administrateurs judiciaires and mandataires judiciaires;
7° On the website of the Ordre des experts-comptables for experts-comptables;
8° On the website of the Conseil des maisons de vente for opérateurs de ventes volontaires de meubles aux enchères publiques.
The publication shall mention at least the sanction imposed and the nature of the offence committed, as well as, except where the sanctioning authority applies the second paragraph of III of Article L. 561-36-3, the identity of the natural or legal person sanctioned. This publication takes place after the authority has notified the sanctioned person of its decision.
Where the decision referred to in the first paragraph is the subject of an appeal to the courts, the authority shall publish this information, as well as any information relating to the outcome of this appeal, under the same conditions. The same applies if the sanction decision is annulled or amended.
The decision published in accordance with the previous paragraphs remains available for a period of at least five years from the date of initial publication. However, the personal data contained in the decision published on the website referred to in the first paragraph shall be deleted at the end of a period that may not exceed five years.