The identity of the customer and, where applicable, the beneficial owner may only be verified, pursuant to IV of Article L. 561-5, during the establishment of the business relationship, under the following conditions:
1° If an account is opened, the identity is verified at the latest before the first transaction is carried out on the account;
2° If a player account is opened, the player’s identity is verified no later than before the player account is validated and any credit balance returned, when this verification is carried out by a person mentioned in 9° and 9° bis of Article L. 561-2;
3° If a contract is concluded, identity is verified at the latest when the contract is concluded or before the start of the transaction that is the subject of the contract;
4° Where an insurance contract is taken out, the identity of the beneficiary of the contract is verified no later than when the benefit is paid to the beneficiary of the contract or when the beneficiary intends to exercise the rights conferred by the contract;
5° In the case of a transaction relating to the financing of tangible or intangible assets for professional use, ownership of which is not transferred or is transferred only when the contractual relationship is terminated, verification of the identity of the beneficiary of the contract takes place no later than when the first rent or fee is paid.