The asylum application certificate may be withdrawn or not renewed when the foreign national intentionally and repeatedly evades summonses or checks by the administrative authority with a view to thwarting the enforcement of a transfer decision.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum | Regulatory part | Book V: RIGHT OF ASYLUM AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION | Title VII: PROVISIONS APPLICABLE WHEN THE CONSIDERATION OF AN ASYLUM APPLICATION IS UNDER THE COMPETENCE OF ANOTHER STATE | Chapter III: RIGHT TO STAY ON FRENCH TERRITORY AND RECEPTION CONDITIONS | Article R573-2 of the French Code governing the entry and residence of foreign nationals and the right of asylum
The asylum application certificate may be withdrawn or not renewed when the foreign national intentionally and repeatedly evades summonses or checks by the administrative authority with a view to thwarting the enforcement of a transfer decision.
L’attestation de demande d’asile peut être retirée ou ne pas être renouvelée lorsque l’étranger se soustrait de manière intentionnelle et répétée aux convocations ou contrôles de l’autorité administrative en vue de faire échec à l’exécution d’une décision de transfert.
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