The court clerk shall notify the order to the legal representative of the legal person. The notification letter reproduces the provisions of the second paragraph of II of article L. 611-2 as well as article R. 611-15 and the first paragraph of article R. 611-16.
If the letter is returned with a note stating that it has not been claimed by its addressee, the court clerk shall have the order served. The service shall reproduce the provisions mentioned in the first paragraph.
If the letter is returned with a statement that the addressee is no longer at the address indicated, the case is removed from the roll by the president of the court who informs the public prosecutor. The court clerk shall note the cessation of business in the trade and companies register.
The injunction order is kept as a minute at the court registry.
The provisions of this article apply to the individual limited liability entrepreneur with the exception of the second sentence of the third paragraph.