In consultation with the chair of the hospital medical committee or the chair of the hospital medical conference, the director, the administrator of the health cooperation group or the legal representative of the hospital appoints a person to be responsible for the system used to ensure the quality of sterilisation, including when all or part of the sterilisation is subcontracted. This person is responsible for the following tasks
1° Proposing, implementing and evaluating the sterilisation quality assurance system;
2° Reporting to the management of the establishment, the medical committee of the establishment or the medical conference of the establishment on the operation of the sterilisation quality assurance system;
3° Propose to the management of the establishment, to the medical committee of the establishment or to the medical conference of the establishment the improvements that he/she considers necessary to this system.
The same person may carry out this function within several establishments, as part of a cooperative action or provision of services organised between these establishments.
The health care organisation or health cooperation grouping provides the person in charge thus designated with the resources required to carry out his/her duties.