Temporary non-medical accommodation may be offered to patients whose state of health does not justify continuous medical or paramedical supervision, hospitalisation at home or heavy technical medical installation, but does require iterative or specific care over a certain period of time, and for whom it is necessary to remain close to the healthcare establishment for at least one of the following reasons:
1° If the patient’s home is a long way from the healthcare establishment or the latter is not sufficiently accessible;
2° If the patient’s state of health makes the home or environment temporarily unsuitable;
3° If the patient is geographically or socially isolated.
Non-medical temporary accommodation may only be offered if the patient is autonomous or can be accompanied.
Patients benefiting from non-medical temporary accommodation may share their room with a carer or, in the case of minors, with two carers.
The eligibility criteria mentioned in this article are specified by order of the Minister for Health, issued after consultation with the Haute Autorité de Santé.