The practitioner in charge of a medical or medico-technical structure, or the practitioner who provided the care, is responsible, as far as he is concerned, for the completeness and quality of the information he sends for processing to the doctor responsible for medical information in the institution or, for institutions belonging to a regional hospital grouping, in the supporting institution.
The doctor responsible for medical information contributes to the development and implementation of the revenue quality assurance plan, designed to guarantee the completeness and quality of the data transmitted and to ensure the reliability of the institution’s revenue. The revenue quality assurance plan is presented each year to the establishment’s medical conference or commission for information.
This doctor advises practitioners on the production of information. He/she ensures the quality of the data, which he/she compares, where necessary, with medical records and administrative files.
The establishment’s practitioners have the right to access and rectify information relating to the care they have provided or which has been provided in a medical or medico-technical structure for which they are responsible. They are regularly sent the results of the processing of this information.