I.- External service providers who assist the doctor responsible for medical information in the performance of his duties under article R. 6113-4 may only access, under the latter’s responsibility and control, the personal data mentioned in article R. 6113-1 that is strictly necessary for the performance of their own duties.
II.-The contract signed with the director of the establishment under the conditions provided for in Article 28 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 shall also include the list of services concerned, the timeframe and the places where they are to be carried out, as well as the list and status of the staff authorised to process personal data.
The contract shall be sent to the doctor responsible for medical information prior to any access to the data. This doctor may ask the external service provider for any useful information regarding the conditions under which the processing activities concerned are carried out.
III.-The director of the establishment shall individually and specifically authorise the staff of the external service provider authorised to access the data referred to in I.
The doctor responsible for medical information shall ensure that the data to which the staff actually have access does not exceed that which is strictly necessary for the performance of their duties.
IV.-The staff of the external service provider have access to the data mentioned in I within the health care organisation’s information system.
When the characteristics of the service do not allow it to be carried out within the health care organisation’s information system, the data required for this service may, under secure conditions, be extracted from it and made available to the external service provider.
V.-At the end of the data processing activities provided for in the contract referred to in II, the director of the institution shall terminate the access authorisation of the external service provider’s staff.
The same shall apply at any time if such staff fail to comply with the provisions of this article.