When a health care institution uses an external service provider mentioned in 4° of the I of article R. 6113-5 to implement the activities mentioned in this chapter, this service provider may not retain the data made available by the institution beyond the period strictly necessary for the activities entrusted to it as set out in the contract mentioned in the I of article R. 6113-5-2. At the end of this period, the service provider must delete the data under secure conditions and provide proof of this to the doctor responsible for medical information.
The statutory auditor, in the context of his legal mission to certify the accounts of health care institutions, may not keep the data made available, through the intermediary of the doctor mentioned in I of article R. 6113-5-1, by an institution beyond the period strictly necessary for the annual certification of the accounts. The certification report provided for in Article R. 6145-61-5 does not include any personal data processed as part of this task.