The patent application may be withdrawn at any time, by a written declaration, until the fee for granting and printing the patent specification has been paid.
This declaration may relate to only one application. It shall be made by the applicant or by an agent, who, unless he is an industrial property attorney or a lawyer, must attach to the declaration a special power of withdrawal.
If the patent application has been filed in the name of several persons, its withdrawal may only be made if it is requested by all of them.
If rights in rem, pledges or licences have been entered in the National Patent Register, the declaration of withdrawal shall be admissible only if it is accompanied by the written consent of the holders of such rights.
If the application is withdrawn after publication in the Bulletin officiel de la propriété industrielle of the mention provided for in Article R. 612-39, the withdrawal is automatically entered in the National Patent Register.
In all cases of withdrawal of the application, a copy of the application shall be kept by the Institut national de la propriété industrielle.