I.-When the Director General of the Regional Health Agency grants authorisation for healthcare activities for the first time to a healthcare cooperation grouping whose constituent agreement he has previously approved and published, the same decision establishes the grouping as a healthcare establishment and registers the scale of charges applicable to it under the conditions laid down in articles L. 6133-7 and L. 6133-8 respectively.
II -When a healthcare cooperation grouping is set up, the purpose of which is, in particular, to hold an authorisation for healthcare activities, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency will decide, in the same decision, on the following matters
1° Approval of the grouping’s constituent agreement ;
2° To issue a healthcare activity authorisation to the group under the conditions laid down in the seventh paragraph of article L. 1432-2 ;
3° The establishment of the health cooperation grouping holding a healthcare activity authorisation as a health establishment;
4° The scale of charges applicable to the grouping set up as a health establishment.
This decision is legally effective from the date of its publication in the region’s administrative records.
III – The legal status of the new health care establishment is determined by the legal nature of the health cooperation grouping (groupement de coopération sanitaire de moyens), previously or concurrently constituted, in application of the criteria mentioned in article L. 6133-3.